> From: Janet Goldstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2004/07/13 Tue PM 02:00:09 GMT
> Am I missing something? I searched CPAN for a DBI driver for Microsoft
> SQL Server and found only "DBIx::SQLEngine::Driver::MSSQL - Support
> DBD::ODBC with Microsoft SQL Server." Is there nothing out there for
> SQL Server as there is for Oracle (DBD::Oracle)? Must I go through
> ODBC to talk to a SQL Server database?

I have been writing a script that connects to multiple sources, and use this to 
determine which driver to use, and detect whether or not it is available....

The ODBC for MSSQL (from a Windows 2000 client) has been working quite well for me, 
including dropping/creating/altering tables, columns, indices; granting permissions, 
dropping/adding roles, logins, and users...

# Check to see if the proper database module is available
sub CheckAvail {
  my $retval = 1;
  if ("\U$arg_db_type\E" eq "ORACLE") {
    eval "use DBD::Oracle";
    if ($@) { $retval = 0; }
  } elsif ("\U$arg_db_type\E" eq "SYBASE") {
    eval "use DBD::Sybase";
    if ($@) { $retval = 0; }
  }elsif ("\U$arg_db_type\E" eq "MSSQL") {
    eval "use DBD::ODBC";
    if ($@) { $retval = 0; }
  }elsif (("\U$arg_db_type\E" eq "ACCESS97") or ("\U$arg_db_type\E" eq "ACCESS2K")) {
    eval "use DBD::ADO";
    if ($@) { $retval = 0; }
  if (! $retval) { print LOGFILE "The module for this database could not be loaded; 
failing....\n" }
  return $retval;


    `\|||/         amonotod@    | subject line: 
      (@@)         charter.net  | no perl, no read...

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