> From: Joaquín Pérez
> Date: 2004/07/27 Tue PM 06:42:57 GMT
> I have a table with a TEXT field with a size of 16. Theoretically it 
> could hold up to 2 gigs or something like that.
> I've done the following:
> $dbh->{LongReadLen} = 2 ** 20 + 8;
> $dbh->{LongTruncOk} = 1;
> $sth = $dbh->prepare(<insert your query here>);
> $sth->execute()

Have you tried the same thing with a different driver?  Say, DBD::ODBC?  See 
recent previous posts by myself for a DSN-less ODBC connection 
string construct (probably stolen from older posts to the list, but as 
I said, see some of my recent posts...)... 

Also, maybe someone might be able to give detail on using the FreeTDS libs
and DBD::Sybase to make the connection and try the statements...

> Thank you very much!
> j.



    `\|||/         amonotod@    | sun|perl|windows
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