Tim Bunce wrote:

>mAsterdam wrote:
>>Tim Bunce wrote:
>>>mAsterdam wrote:
>>>>Oracle 8.1.7 ...
>>>Can you send me the output (stdout+stderr) from
>>>"perl -Mblib t/<foo>.t" where <foo> is each of the tests
>>> that generated that error? ...
>>@foo = ('23wide_db', '23wide_db_al32utf8');
>>DBI connect(...) failed: ORA-12705: invalid or unknown NLS
>> parameter value specified (DBD ERROR: OCISessionBegin) at
>> t/nchar_test_lib.pl line 143
>> 1..0 # Skip Not connected to oracle
>Ah. Oracle 8 client doesn't understand "AL32UTF8".
>>$ perl -Mblib t/23wide_db_al32utf8.t
>Both those tests should be automatically skipped for Oracle 8.

Is there a way to determine which values for NLS_LANG the client
*can* understand  - to be able to automatically skip everything else?

OCINlsGetInfo ???

>You can ignore the failures.

Ok. Thank you.

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