> From: "Ronald J Kimball" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2004/08/13 Fri PM 05:59:39 GMT
> Hardy Merrill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > 
> > Just in case the op doesn't make the connection, he needs to test his
> > variables for undef before the execute, and if one is undef, then put
> Why does he need to do that?  I have never had to test my bind values for
> defined-ness when using placeholders.  An undef in Perl becomes a NULL in
> Oracle, and vice versa.

Programming the Perl DBI, Page 221, paragragh 1, sentence 3:
"Undefined values or 'undef' can be used to indicate null values."

> Ronald



    `\|||/         amonotod@    | sun|perl|windows
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