
I am working on a small script that pulls user metrics from databases on a number of 
different servers and pushes them into a 'metrics warehouse' of sorts for use in trend 
analysis among other things.  I am having trouble with my insert statement and would 
like some help from all of you.

I am using this statement to try and insert the data:

    my ($userid, $year, $week, $cpu, $io);

    $source_sth->bind_columns(\$userid, \$year, \$week, \$cpu, \$io);

    my $insert_sql = qq{ insert into user_history_stats (database, server, year, week, 
username, cpu, io)
                            values ('$orasid', '$server', ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) };
    my $target_sth = $target_dbh->prepare( $insert_sql ) or die "Can't prepare insert 
statement: " . $target_dbh->errstr;;


$orasid and $server are loaded from a text file that I loop through to get the list of 
databases that I'm pulling metrics from.

My problem is this:  When I put the single quotes around $orasid and $server, I get 
the following error:


DBD::Oracle::st execute failed: ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into 
("METRICS"."USER_HISTORY_STATS"."YEAR") (DBD ERROR: OCIStmtExecute) [for Statement " 
insert into user_history_stats (database, server, year, week, username, cpu, io)
                        values ('fd1p' , 'u1ecm301' , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) " with 
ParamValues: :p4=undef, :p5=undef, :p1=undef, :p2=undef, :p3=undef] at 
./collect_user_metrics.pl line 64, <GEN0> line 1.

DBD::Oracle::st execute failed: ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into 
("METRICS"."USER_HISTORY_STATS"."YEAR") (DBD ERROR: OCIStmtExecute) [for Statement " 
insert into user_history_stats (database, server, year, week, username, cpu, io)
                        values ('fd1p' , 'u1ecm301' , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) " with 
ParamValues: :p4=undef, :p5=undef, :p1=undef, :p2=undef, :p3=undef] at 
./collect_user_metrics.pl line 64, <GEN0> line 1.

Issuing rollback() for database handle being DESTROY'd without explicit disconnect().
Issuing rollback() for database handle being DESTROY'd without explicit disconnect().

The Bind variables aren't being set properly for some reason.  If I take the single 
quotes out, I get this:  

DBD::Oracle::st execute failed: ORA-00984: column not allowed here 
(DBD ERROR: error possibly near <*> indicator at char 121 in ' insert into 
user_history_stats (database, server, year, week, username, cpu, io)
                        values (fd1p , <*>u1ecm301 , :p1, :p2, :p3, :p4, :p5) ') [for 
Statement " insert into user_history_stats (database, server, year, week, username, 
cpu,    io)
                        values (fd1p , u1ecm301 , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) " with ParamValues: 
:p4='187.31', :p5='8', :p1='2004', :p2='16', :p3='AGDBA'] 
at ./collect_user_metrics.pl line 64, <GEN0> line 1.

DBD::Oracle::st execute failed: ORA-00984: column not allowed here (DBD ERROR: error 
possibly near <*> indicator at char 121 in ' inse
rt into user_history_stats (database, server, year, week, username, cpu, io)
                        values (fd1p , <*>u1ecm301 , :p1, :p2, :p3, :p4, :p5) ') [for 
Statement " insert into user_history_stats (data
base, server, year, week, username, cpu, io)
                        values (fd1p , u1ecm301 , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) " with ParamValues: 
:p4='187.31', :p5='8', :p1='2004', :p2='16', :p3=
'AGDBA'] at ./collect_user_metrics.pl line 64, <GEN0> line 1.
Issuing rollback() for database handle being DESTROY'd without explicit disconnect().
Issuing rollback() for database handle being DESTROY'd without explicit disconnect().


As you can see here, the database is rightly rejecting the first two values for not 
being enclosed in quotes, but the bind variables are all set correctly. 

I have not been able to find the right way to load all of this data.  Can anyone see 
something I'm doing wrong, or perhaps suggest a better way to set up the INSERT 

Thanks in advance,


Bart Kersteter

Senior DBA - Corporate Database
576 Bielenberg Drive
Woodbury, MN 55125
(651) 361-5796

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