Thanks to all for your suggestions... I've finally gotten things working.  The 
following is a working example.  The one issue I have left to handle is to add some 
error chceking and parameterize a few things to make the script more transportable.  
One little glitch is that the final fetch for the source handler appears to be an 
empty set, and I'm getting the following error even with the check in place to see if 
userid is empty:

Use of uninitialized value in string eq at ./ line 62, <GEN0> 
line 1.

Thanks again for your help and suggestions.


use strict;
use DBI;
use IO;
use POSIX qw(uname);

my $db_list = new IO::File("< /home/oracle/utils/metrics_db_list.txt") or die "Can't 
open oratab file";

my $target_dbh = DBI->connect( "dbi:Oracle:fd1p", 'metrics', 'metr1cs',
                          {RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1}) || die DBI->errstr;

my $insert_sql = qq{ insert into user_history_stats (database, server, year, week, 
username, cpu, io)
                        values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) };

my $target_sth = $target_dbh->prepare( $insert_sql ) or die "Can't prepare insert 
statement: " . $target_dbh->errstr;;

while (<$db_list>) {
   my @db_info = split(/:/);
   my $orasid = $db_info[0];
   my $server = $db_info[1];
   my $source_dbh = DBI->connect( "dbi:Oracle:$orasid", 'metrics', 'metr1cs',
         {RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 0}) || die DBI->errstr;

   my $target_dbh = DBI->connect( "dbi:Oracle:fd1p", 'metrics', 'metr1cs',
                          {RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 0}) || die DBI->errstr;

   #  set up bind variables

   my $source_sql = qq{ SELECT username,  to_char(sample_Date, 'YYYY') ,  
to_char(sample_date, 'IW') , sum(cpu) , sum(IO)
                          from daily_user_stats
                          group by username, to_CHAR(sample_date, 'IW') , 
to_char(sample_Date, 'YYYY')
                          order by 1,2 };

   my $source_sth = $source_dbh->prepare( $source_sql ) or die "Can't prepare source 
statement: " . $source_dbh->errstr;
   my ($userid, $year, $week, $cpu, $io);
   $source_sth->bind_columns( \$userid, \$year, \$week, \$cpu, \$io );
   while ($source_sth->fetch) {
      if ( not $userid eq "" ) {
      $target_sth->execute($orasid, $server,  $year, $week, $userid, $cpu, $io);

   # Clean up and exit loop


Bart Kersteter

Senior DBA - Corporate Database
576 Bielenberg Drive
Woodbury, MN 55125
(651) 361-5796

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