"Tim Bunce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Tue, Aug 17, 2004 at 10:24:00AM -0400, Robert wrote:
> > In the DBD::Oracle docs it states this:
> >
> > ======
> > "If you use the host=$host;sid=$sid style syntax, for example:
> >   $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle:host=myhost.com;sid=ORCL", $user,
> > $passwd);then DBD::Oracle will construct a full connection descriptor
> > for you and Oracle will not need to consult the tnsname.ora file.
> >
> > If a port number is not specified then the descriptor will try both 1526
> > 1521 in that order (e.g., new then old). You can check which port(s) are
> > use by typing ``$ORACLE_HOME/bin/lsnrctl stat'' on the server."
> >
> > =======
> >
> > Does that mean I do not have to have Oracle client installed?
> No.
> > Or I do have to have the client installed because of libraries needed
> > but I don't have to have a tsnames.ora file?
> Yes.
> Tim.
Thanks! I was thinking "thin" type Java connection and it was messing with
my mind. Java tends to do that to me.


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