> From: Joel West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2004/08/19 Thu PM 12:24:30 GMT
> Server};Server=ipaddress ;database=databasename','userid',...) failed: 
> [unixODBC][Driver Manager]
> Data source name not found, and no default driver specified (SQL-IM002)(DBD: 
> db_login/SQLConnect err=-1) at 
> dump1.pl line 12
> Now I am really lost.

I can tell you that you are missing a trailing semi-colon after the 
";database=databasename'", it should be ";database=databasename;'", but 
other than that, I just can't help you.  I imagine the "'driver={SQL Server};" 
syntax is not valid under Linux, but cannot tell you what is.  

> Perl 5.8.0
> DBD::ODBC 1.09
> libiodbc-3.51.2-1
> unixODBC-2.2.8-5
> libiodbc-admin-3.51.2-1
> libiodbc-devel-3.51.2-1
> freetds-0.62.1-1
> freetds-devel-0.62.1-1
> freetds-unixodbc-0.62.1-1

I think, however, that you should look at using the DBD::Sybase 
module, which includes a "README.freetds" file.  I've seen mention of 
using the FreeTDS drivers wtih DBD::Sybase to connect to MS SQL from 
Unix/Linux.  Perhaps someone with more knowledge in this area can help...

> I am still horribly lost.

Well, good luck; sorry I'm not of more direct help...


    `\|||/         amonotod@    | sun|perl|windows
      (@@)         charter.net  | sysadmin|dba

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