On Tue, Aug 17, 2004 at 06:34:35PM +0100, Tim Barrass wrote:
> Hi all- hopefully I'm not just repeating a problem everyone knows about, had
> a search but not found much- anyhow:
> Installing DBD::Oracle fails for me on generating the Makefile- it's related
> to some manual modification of libclntsh required, which I believe I've done
> correctly. Session and output below, here are my details:
> Darwin Kernel Version 7.5.0 (Mac OSX 10.3.5)
> Perl v5.8.1-RC3 built for darwin-thread-multi-2level
> Oracle client runtime installation
>     10g Release 1 ( for Apple MAC OS X
> DBD::Oracle 1.15
> Feel free to reply tersely with a pointer to the solution if necessary..

Retry with http://homepage.eircom.net/~timbunce/DBD-Oracle-1.16-rc6-20040807.tar.gz
and then again with rc7 whenever that gets announced (this week I hope).


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