On Mon, 6 Sep 2004, Tim Bunce wrote:

> > So do we say that mysql_auto_reconnect will be disabled when server-side
> > prepared statements are in use?
> Yes. That's what I'd recommend. Personally I'd disable it by default
> and make applications ask for it explicitly if they want it.
> It's just not safe enough to leave on.

Ok. Easy enough. Right now it is only defaulting to on when it sees 
$ENV{GATEWAY_INTERFACE} || $ENV{MOD_PERL}, so I will not turn it on when 
serverside-prepare is true.

> > DBD::mysql's ping function uses the mysql API function mysql_ping() which will,
> > in the event that the server closed the connection, automatically reconnect to
> > the server and returns TRUE.
> http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=2532

Ah, IC.

> I think $dbh->ping should return false if the connection-id (thread-id)
> changes.
> (Perhaps return "0", rather than "" or undef, in this case.)

That sounds good, so I'll do that.  It is not 100%, but should work.
> > And then there is the case of backwards compatibility. How many applications
> > have never had the if(0 == ping()) code tested, because ping would try the
> > re-connect?
> Not enough to worry about. Correctness is more important here.


> Tim.
> p.s. Did the last two items in http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL 
> PROTECTED]/msg02136.html
> get done? (I've no time to look.)

   In 2.9002
        * Changed the default behaviour of mysql_found_rows, so now
          'UPDATE table set field=?' will return the number of rows matched
          and not the number of rows physically changed. You can get the old
          behaviour back by adding "mysql_found_rows=0" to the dsn passed
          to connect.

And as for the connect attributes having to be passed in using the dsn, I don't
think that this is the case. Right now, everything in the dsn is added to the
dbh's attribute hash before new_dbh is called and _login  is reading off of
the dbh's attribute hash when deciding what to do.

Thank you,


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