
why not using the returing clause?
$sth->prepare ( "insert into foo (my_id, data) values (my_id_seq.nextval,?) returning 
my_id into ?" );
$sth->bind_param( 1, "bar");
my $id;
$sth->bind_param_inout( 2, \$id, 12);

Tuesday, September 7, 2004, 4:05:09 AM, Jared wrote:
>> my $start_num = $dbh->selectrow_array( "select my_id_seq.nextval from
>> dual");
>> my @seq = ( $start_num..100,000 );  # some end number
>> $sth->prepare ( "insert into foo (my_id, data) values (?,?)" );
>> $sth->bind_param( 1, shift(@seq) );
>> $sth->bind_param( 2, "bar");
>> $sth->execute();
JS> the 'select from dual' causes a lot of unnecessary overhead.
JS> The original method is most performant.
JS> Jared

 Wieland                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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