On Sun, 2004-11-28 at 08:26, Oliver Boermans wrote:
> Successfully installing the Perl DBI on OS X feels like a trial by fire.
> I have done it before but this time my feet are getting burnt!

> My attempts to install the perl DBI on my shiny new Mac have come to
> dead end.  Problems (and solutions) with building DBD::mysql on OS X
> seem common - but I'm stuck on the prerequisite DBI module. (for a
> staging server for Movable Type).
> Rather than pasting in reams of terminal output here's a few key lines
> of one attempt to build. 
>     Boermans-Computer:~/.cpan/build/DBI-1.46 ollie$ perl Makefile.PL 
> *** [...]
>     Creating DBI::PurePerl    test variant: t/zvpp_01basics.t 
>     Can't create t/zvpp_01basics.t: Permission denied at lib/DBI/DBD.pm
> line 3722.

The most likely issue here is that the .cpan directory (and its
children) is not owned by the user that is running the "perl

My *guess* is that you originally ran the CPAN utility as root using
"sudo". What happens there is that sudo doesn't switch the home
directory information (HOME environment variable) to the home directory
of the user you've switched to (root, in this instance). So now CPAN
starts adding/building things in your home directory, but with ownership
set to "root".

You can fix the ownership with:

cd ~
sudo chown -R <my_user_name> .cpan

where <my_user_name> is your login on that machine.

Alternatively, run the "perl Makefile.PL" command above as "root".

Michael Peppler                              Data Migrations, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                       http://www.peppler.org/
Sybase T-SQL/OpenClient/OpenServer/C/Perl developer available for short or 
long term contract positions - http://www.peppler.org/resume.html

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