On Tue, Nov 30, 2004 at 07:21:11AM -0800, Terrence Brannon wrote:
> Mark Stosberg wrote:
> >On Tue, Nov 30, 2004 at 07:38:34AM +0000, Terrence Brannon wrote:
> >
> >>NAME
> >>    DBIx::DBH - Perl extension for simplifying database connections
> >
> >
> >I suggest 'DBIx::DSN' as a better name, since database handles (DBH) are
> >universally used in DBI-based projects.  
> Thanks for the input Mark. The only thing is, the functionality of the 
> module is to provide database handles (DBHs) or @connect_data, which equals 
> ($dsn, $user, $pass, $attr)
> So DSN is too restrictive. Perhaps DBIx::DBH::from_hash ... well who knows.
> I dont understand your comment: " ... since database handles (DBH) are
> universally used in DBI-based project" --- why is that an issue? Their is 
> no chance of trampling on another's namespace is there?

The point is that "DBIx::DBH" is practically meaningless. DBIx::DSN is
better, but only slightly. Try something like DBIx::FooConnect or
DBIx::ConnectFoo where Foo is something that gives at least a clue
about what the modules does.

> >I like the idea, having written if/else chains in the past to solve the
> >same problem.
> yeah, there is certainly a maze of things to polymorphically wind your way 
> through when getting the DBI attributes and driver-dsn and 
> driver-attributes to all meld together.

I don't get it. Can someone give me some small but real examples
of the problem that's being solved here?


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