On Thu, Dec 02, 2004 at 08:34:20AM +1100, Ron Savage wrote:
> On Wed, 1 Dec 2004 18:39:00 +0000, Tim Bunce wrote:
> H Tim
> > need a better understanding of the underlying issues. More real-
> > world examples would help.
> Here's a real world example of how I do things, although I am in no way
> convinced that such a module as we are discussing is needed...

Presumably because, like me, you tend to use entire DSN strings rather
than trying to construct them from parts:

> Class -> new(site => 'local') to Class -> new(site => 'remote'),
> and use that to index into a hash to get the connexion parameters.

>    local      => ['dbi:mysql:db_name1:', 'username1', 'password1'],
>    remote     => ['dbi:mysql:db_name2:dbhost.quadrahosting.com.au', 
> 'username2', 'password2'],


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