On Wed, Dec 08, 2004 at 11:50:02AM -0500, Kieran Hagzan wrote:
> Hello,
>      I am sure this question has come up hundreds of times, but I must ask it 
> again:
> Are bind_param_array() and array_execute() fully implemented in the 
> DBD::Oracle driver?? 

No. I've had offers of patches but nothing actually provided and
too little time to do it myself.

> If they are, is there any known reference/examples of usage beyond the 
> DBD/DBI docs??

At least DBD::ODBC supports it. Not sure of any others.

> For the life of me, I cannot get bulk insertion to work :-(

Even if the driver doesn't support it, the DBI provides a fall-back
implementation that works - allbeit more slowly.


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