Moosmann, James wrote:


The select statement is very valid and so is:

SELECT 'Hello World!' as 'My first SQL Statement'
SELECT answer = 2+3

Really, try it.

ok, but if you $dbh->quote() it, it becomes something like:
'SELECT \'Hello World!\' as \'My first SQL Statement\''
literally, but as far as validity, if the statement in question was valid it would return something instead of an error...

Anyway... I was sent the correct answer and was very surprised in that the
syntax is indeed valid on some servers, however the ANSI standard is single

I imagine it may be but what does: Invalid column name 'Rows returned: ' mean then?

quotes for all string literals and that these other drivers/servers handled
string literals with either single or double quotes on a somewhat random
basis...bizzare.  Perl DBI thinks any double quoted string must be a column
or table name ( [ and ] are preferred, but double quotes are still

really? where did you see that in the docs?

I can:
 SELECT foo FROM bar WHERE ID="1";
without 1 having to be a column or table name..

acceptable).  The problem is that these other apps let the coder use that
non-standard syntax and it works.  I guess we will have to retrain the folks
who generated this stuff.

Yes, Microsoft users are the lamest ;p

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