On Thu, Feb 03, 2005 at 06:27:05PM +0900, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Dear list,
>       I wrote a simple CGI script using DBD::CSV on a linux
> computer, and then installed it on a iMac G5. Its execution time is
> now alomst 10 times slower. Using print instructions, I traced the
> bottleneck to the following instruction :
> $sth->execute;
>       Now I am a bit stuck, as I do not know how to investigate in
> the DBD::CSV module to find where is the slow isnstruction.

The Devel::DProf module (and/or other code profiling modules) may help.

A couple of quick guesses:
  - perl config differences - eg configured for threads or not
  - perhaps on OS X you're using unicode data


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