> From: "Robert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2005/02/11 Fri AM 08:27:56 CST

> Oh I wish I could! I am constrained by a 3rd party application that uses
> Oracle as a big ole flat file. Where every table is padding with spaces!
> Every table. I could shoot the people that created this application. You
> would barf into my trashcan if you saw how the back-end is arranged.

Okay, so let's see it.  Might you have the SQL files that were used to create 
this database?  If not, in SQL+, do a "desc <table>" for each table that is 
involved in the question...

> Robert



    `\|||/         amonotod@    | sun|perl|windows
      (@@)         charter.net  | sysadmin|dba

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