I found it, Note, that most attributes are valid only after a successfull execute. An "undef" value will returned in that case. The most important excep- tion is the "mysql_use_result" attribute: This forces the driver to use mysql_use_result rather than mysql_store_result. The former is faster and less memory consuming, but tends to block other processes. (That's why mysql_store_result is the default.)
To set the "mysql_use_result" attribute, use either of the following: my $sth = $dbh->prepare("QUERY", { "mysql_use_result" => 1}); or my $sth = $dbh->prepare("QUERY"); $sth->{"mysql_use_result"} = 1; On Tue, 2005-02-22 at 08:36 -0600, Scott T. Hildreth wrote: > Mysql will return all rows by default, you need to turn that off. > I can't remember what the attribute is, read the DBD::mysql perldoc. > > On Tue, 2005-02-22 at 15:22 +0100, Ing. Branislav Gerzo wrote: > > Reidy, Ron [RR], on Tuesday, February 22, 2005 at 06:58 (-0700) wrote: > > > > my $sth = $dbh->>prepare_cached("select id, name from table"); > > my $sth = $dbh->>$sth->execute(); > > RR> [rr] This should read $sth->execute. Execute retruns a > > RR> value, not a statement handle ($sth). > > > > yes, sorry for that. In my code I have it OK (it was ma mailer causing > > that "error"). > > > > also, I'm using: > > DBI 1.46 > > DBD::mysql 2.9004 > > > > any more ideas ? > > -- Scott T. Hildreth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>