On Wed, Apr 20, 2005 at 03:46:20PM -0400, Michael Styer wrote:
> What about this:
> http://search.cpan.org/~timb/DBD-Oracle-1.16/Oracle.pm#Binding_Cursors
> At the end of the "Binding Cursors" section it says that cursors need to
> be (and can be) closed with code like this:
>   $sth3 = $dbh->prepare("BEGIN CLOSE :cursor; END;");
>   $sth3->bind_param_inout(":cursor", \$sth2, 0, { ora_type => ORA_RSET }
>   );
>   $sth3->execute;
> That's where I got one of the methods I've tried for closing the cursor.
> I've also had other people who know Oracle but not Perl tell me there's
> no way that should work, but it's in the docs. So that's why I'm
> confused. Some people tell me I can't close my cursors this way, others
> say that I can't close cursors at all, and others say that cursors get
> closed automatically by the Perl garbage collector.
> Is anyone able to shed some light on the situation?

The t/50cursor.t test script in the DBD::Oracle distribution uses that
code to close the cursors that it has opened.


So it "works" at least in the sense of not failing.

The test script doesn't then check how many cursors Oracle thinks
are open. Patches to add that are welcome.

I'd also accept a patch to close fetched cursors automatically when the
statement handle is destroyed ($sth2 in the example above). I'm not sure
if it doesn't owing to a bug or an oversight.


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