On 5/20/05, Tim Bunce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, May 20, 2005 at 10:08:36AM -0400, Matthew Persico wrote:
> > Has anyone ever seen this message? I have a valid handle - all of my
> > database commands work. The command is simply
> >
> > $dbh->disconnect();
> I'd guess that $dbh contains the string "DBI".
> Tim.

That was a rather sparse message I posted Friday. A few more details
are in order. If anyone has any ideas after reading this, thanks in

Perl 5.6.1
DBI 1.37
DBD::Sybase 1.00

Yes, I am stuck with these versions (esp. Perl) for the foreseable future.

The connection is created in a module I have inherited (consultant
long gone...) called MDISS::DB that contains, among other things, this

BEGIN { # setup as a subclass of DBI
        @MDISS2::DB::EXPORT = (@DBI::EXPORT);
        @MDISS2::DB::ISA = qw(DBI DBI::db Exporter);
        @MDISS2::DB::db::ISA = qw(DBI::db MDISS2::DB Exporter);
        @MDISS2::DB::st::ISA = qw(DBI::st MDISS2::DB Exporter);

and this code:

sub new {

        my %args = ();
        my $proto = undef;
        if (scalar(@_)) {
                ($proto, %args) = @_;
        my %clone = (); 
        my $class = undef; 
        my $self = undef;
        my $private = undef;
        my %login = ();
        my $n = undef;

        $n = 'MDISS2::DB->new()';

=item   legacy code

    my($proto, %args, %clone, $class, $self, $private, %login, $n) = @_;

        %clone = ();
        if(ref($proto)) {
                if($proto->can('_private')) {
                        $private = $proto->_private();
                        if(exists($private->{'login'})) {
                                %clone = %{$private->{'login'}};
                                if(exists($clone{'driver'}) && 
exists($args{'driver'})) {
                                        croak("$n - cannot clone 
'$args{'driver'}' from '$clone{'driver'}'")
                                                unless(uc($args{'driver'}) eq 
        } #endif

        $args{'driver'} = ucfirst(lc($args{'driver'})) || 'Sybase';
        if($args{'driver'} eq 'Oracle') {
                %login = mdiss_oracle_login(%clone, %args);
        } else {
                %login = mdiss_sybase_login(%args);
# print Dumper(%login);

        ### This connectDBI is a wrapper that mashals args and makes the
        ### typical DBI->connect call. 
        $self = connectDBI(%login) || croak("$n - failed to login to
database: $DBI::errstr, aborting");
        # $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
        $class = 'MDISS2::DB';
        bless($self, $class);
        $private = $self->_private();
        $private->{'login'} = {%login};
        $private->{'cachedQueries'} = [];
        $private->{'cachedStatements'} = {};
        $private->{'cachedColumns'} = {};
        $private->{'cachedColumnTypes'} = {};
        $private->{'portiaDb'} = $ENV{'AM_PORTIA_DB_APO'};
        if($DEBUG > 1) {
                my $pri = $self->_private();
                print STDERR "$n - DBH Private Data:\n";, Dumper($pri);
        $ALL_DBH{"$self"} = $self;
        return $self; 
} # end new()

All of the database calls we are making using handles (such as do)
created by MDISS::DB (do) and calls made by sths created from these
handles all work.

The only one that doesn't work is the disconnect. When I debug, I get
to line 654

sub disconnect {        # a regular beginners bug
    Carp::croak("DBI->disconnect is not a DBI method. Read the DBI manual.");

Now, I've read the DBI manual and I seem to have missed the discussion
of the regular beginners bug.

Here is some DBI_TRACE=1 ouput. The first section is the conenction
and the first prepare statement

AMGDEV, ****)
    -> DBI->install_driver(Sybase) for solaris perl=5.006001 pid=27583
ruid=8030 euid=8030
       install_driver: DBD::Sybase version 1.00 loaded from
    <- install_driver= DBI::dr=HASH(0x52c8e8)
    <- connect('server=A2S1_402;appname=MDISS2::DB;hostname=nydux-ast402'
'AMGDEV' ...)= DBI::db=HASH(0x1243d0) at DBI.pm line 582
    <- STORE('PrintError' 1)= 1 at DBI.pm line 622
    <- STORE('AutoCommit' 1)= 1 at DBI.pm line 622
    <- STORE('Username' 'AMGDEV')= 1 at DBI.pm line 625
    <- connect= DBI::db=HASH(0x1243d0)
    <- STORE('dbi_connect_closure' CODE(0xa0472c))= 1 at DBI.pm line 639
    <- err= undef at DBI.pm line 936
    <- STORE('RaiseError' 1)= 1 at DBI.pm line 950
    <- STORE('PrintError' 0)= 1 at DBI.pm line 951
    <- STORE('AutoCommit' 0)= 1 at DBI.pm line 952
    <- STORE('syb_show_sql' 1)= 1 at DBI.pm line 954
    <- STORE('syb_show_eed' 1)= 1 at DBI.pm line 955
1   <- prepare('use mdissdb' undef)= DBI::st=HASH(0xa09364) at
Sybase.pm line 150
    <- execute= -1 at Sybase.pm line 151
    <- err= undef at Sybase.pm line 152
    <- rows= -1 at Sybase.pm line 153
    <- FETCH('syb_more_results')= undef at Sybase.pm line 154
    <- do('use mdissdb')= -1 at DBI.pm line 971
    <- DESTROY= undef at DBI.pm line 973
    <- err= undef at DBI.pm line 973
    <- STORE('private_AMG_DBI_data' HASH(0xa120c4))= 1 at DBI.pm line 988
1   <- FETCH('private_mdiss')= undef at DBI.pm line 1168
    <- EXISTS('private_mdiss')= '' at DB.pm line 196
    <- STORE('private_mdiss' HASH(0x10f220))= 1 at DB.pm line 196
    <- FETCH('private_mdiss')= HASH(0x10f220)0keys ('private_mdiss'
from cache) at DB.pm line 199
1   <- FETCH('private_mdiss')= HASH(0x10f220)6keys ('private_mdiss'
from cache) at DBI.pm line 1168
    <- EXISTS('private_mdiss')= 1 at DB.pm line 196
    <- FETCH('private_mdiss')= HASH(0x10f220)6keys ('private_mdiss'
from cache) at DB.pm line 196
    <- FETCH('private_mdiss')= HASH(0x10f220)6keys ('private_mdiss'
from cache) at DB.pm line 199
    <- prepare('
                                select am_md_rule_id 
                                from am_md_rule
                                where name = ?
                        ' undef)= DBI::st=HASH(0xa12088) at DB.pm line 282

I'l skip the rest of the trace - propriatary stuff that just works. At the end:


    print "dbh Active is $dbh->{Active}
Kids is $dbh->{Kids}
ActiveKids is $dbh->{ActiveKids}
just before disconnect

dbh Active is 1
Kids is 1
ActiveKids is 0
just before disconnect
DBI->disconnect is not a DBI method. Read the DBI manual. at ff.pl line 223
    <- DESTROY= undef
    <- DESTROY= undef
    <- DESTROY= undef

Matthew O. Persico

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