Follow-up from yesterday.
I still need some basic help and thanks so much for all the help so far.  I am
running Windows XP Pro and using Perl version 5.8.4
I have been told that I need the following files from for
Oracle 9i:
I am not sure how to install these files.  I have only used the ppm to install
If I upgrade the DBI do I have to upgrade the MySql version I am using also?  I
am currently using the one dated 7/13/2004.
I am currently running quite a few production programs and I do not want to
jepardize their running.
Thanks again for all the help, but could someone please help me a little more,
----Original Message-----
From: Larry Lords [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, June 20, 2005 2:54 PM
Subject: Cannot find DBD-Oracle.ppd

I am a Perl newbie.  I have interfaced to a MySql database quite a bit with
Perl and have had no problem, but I have now been asked to interface with an
Oracle database.
When I try and install the Oracle DBI by "ppm install DBD-Oracle", I get the
following error message:
Error:  PPD for 'DBD-Oracle.ppd' could not be found.
Would someone please help me to resolve this problem?
I would appreciate it,
Larry Lords

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