At 7:39 PM +0800 7/21/05, Gav.... wrote (on dbi-users):
It's a shame I think you only got the two responses back,
but I don't really think I know enough to contribute to
what you are asking.

Well, I think also that my question may have confused some people as to its intent. Its a large scoped topic, so I'm not surprised that people may not know where to begin thinking about it.

I should clarify that the focus or sole content of my Lightning Talk (assuming it is accepted) will be to introduce my 'Rosetta' plus 'SQL::Routine' modules and a framework built around them. While I have been making CPAN releases of them for 2.5 years now, following the "release early and often" mantra, they are heavily engineered and only starting to become useful for work around now, particularly within the next 2 releases.

I asked the questions about feedback for database modules in general because I realize my solution is entering a crowded space, and I wanted my talk to focus on its aspects that stand out the most compared to other solutions in the space. Partly for reasons of professional courtesy, I have no plans to single out any of the other solutions for contrast in this talk by naming them; in large part, my solution is designed to exceed deficiencies that I see in all of the other solutions, even the best of those, so it wouldn't be fair to point out one when others are the same. Rather, what I will do is outline Rosetta's major features, including in the list both features that people like about other solutions, and features that people want but other solutions lack. People already familiar with other solutions should recognize for themselves whether those solutions embody any of the features I mention.

Following the lightning talk, people are welcome to discuss details with me and others between specific solutions and how they compare.

Note that I have a few large design improvements to make before I actually want input from people, which should come out before OSCON if I have my way, so that any feedback is in the best context. I am already aware of several deficiencies to address short term. When you see an announcement titled "Rosetta/SQL::Routine Developer Release #3", then I believe I have addressed the deficiencies and am ready for serious feedback and/or assistence.

Meanwhile, if you wish to make any suggestions that can benefit the Lightning Talk itself (assuming it is accepted), now that you hopefully know better what it is about, I welcome them.

P.S. While it is fully object-oriented in API and implementation, I don't believe that Rosetta is an OO-RDBMS mapper by the standard meaning of the term; however, it is designed to make it easy for one to build such on top of it.

Regarding the Lightning Talk itself ...

I am writing it at this moment, and plan to post it online in a few hours for critiquing. I will have no slides or props, and it is just spoken. I will post the text on my web server and post the url here; people can give me feedback privately and I'll update the web server copy accordingly, rather than cluttering this list with revisions.

In the process I have discovered just how short 5 minutes is, through a practice reading.

It takes me about 5 seconds to read a full 80 character line of text aloud, so I get a maximum of 60 lines if I read without breaks or breathing. Since I plan to aim short, I'll have to keep it below about 50 partial lines of text.

Very, very short indeed.

On the bright side, if this talk is done right, it should actually help people understand what the big deal is, anyway.

Thank you. -- Darren Duncan

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