I'm pleased to announce the next round of updates to Axis Not Evil, a
suit of Perl modules that combine to provide an alternative to a
'leading' software vendor's RAD design tool for database access.

Project Page:


Gtk2::Ex::DBI Changelog for this release:

- Dialog question asking user whether to apply if window is closed with unapplied changes to recordset
- Fixed setting of calculated field if result of calculation is 0
- Fixed dialog description of DBI error message if apply fails
- Fixed bug in trying to block non-existant signal when setting a primary key retrieved from an insert
- Replaced remaining 0s and 1s to FALSEs and TRUEs


Gtk2::Ex::Datasheet::DBI Changelog for this release:

- Add some logic to MOFO::CellRendererDate so that popup calendar gets placed completely on-screen
- Added MOFO::CellRendererTime and use when a Time column is encountered
- Dialog question asking user whether to apply if window is closed with unapplied changes to recordset
- Add missing code to process sql_order_by
- Renamed readonly flag to read_only ( for consistency ) and hide status column when read_only

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