Tim Bunce wrote:

On Thu, Sep 29, 2005 at 10:49:48AM -0700, Jeff Zucker wrote:
package MyDbi;
use base 'DBI';

package MyDbi::db;
use base 'DBI::db';

sub prepare {
  my($self,@connect_args) = @_;
  return bless $self->SUPER::prepare(@connect_args), 'MyDbi::st';

That prepare (and especially the bless) shouldn't be needed.
(That's one of the ways DBI make subclassing easier.)
Yet when I remove it, normal execute() is called, not the MyDbi::st::execute(). So how do I get the program to use my overloaded execute()?

I'd rework it this way (untested):

 sub execute {
    my($sth,@binds)[EMAIL PROTECTED];
    my $rv = eval { $sth->SUPER::execute(@binds) };
    return $rv unless $@;
    my $stmt = $sth->{Statement};
    for my $b (@binds) {
        $b = $sth->{Database}->quote($b) unless DBI::looks_like_number($b);
        $stmt =~ s/\?/$b/;
    return $sth->set_err($sth->err, sprintf "Execution Error: %s (Reconstructed SQL = 
%s)\n" , $sth->errstr, $stmt));

That's good (except we need to catch the $sth->err and $sth->errstr just after the SUPER::execute, otherwise we're getting the err on the call to $sth->{Database}->quote().

Did you remove this line on purpose?

$b = q{NULL} unless defined $b;

And as long as I'm asking - is there a better way to do this all (get a cut-and-pasteable interpolation of the placeholders into the SQL)? I couldn't see that there is a portable way to do it from within HandleError or trace.


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