On Thu, 2005-10-06 at 19:42, Jonathan Leffler wrote:

> My understanding is that a Perl with multi-threading where you do not use
> the multithreading should be as stable as a Perl without the multithreading.
> However, there's a chance that some modules may not be so happy. OTOH, DBI
> shouldn't be one of those modules; it ensures single-tracking through it.
> OTOOH, if you aren't using the multi-threading, there still shouldn't be any
> problem.

I've not experienced instability due to using a multi-threaded perl.

I have however experienced significant performance gains (on linux)
be recompiling a perl installation to be single-threaded.

About 100% faster for in writing out a large text file created
by retrieving data from an Oracle db.


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