DBD::DB2 (http://search.cpan.org/dist/DBD-DB2/DB2.pod) supports
but it would require you to use the DB2 Connect Personal Edition or DB2 Connect
Unlimited for iSeries to access iSeries from your Linux, UNIX, or Windows box.


On 10/12/05, Stephen More <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am currently having a problem calling a stored procedure on an iSeries.
> DBD::ODBC::st execute failed: [unixODBC][IBM][iSeries Access ODBC
> Driver]Error in assignment. (SQL-22018)(DBD: st_execute/SQLExecute err=-1)
> In looking through the perldoc doc for DBI I found:
> "bind_param_inout"
> It is expected that few drivers will support this method. The only driver
> currently known to do so is
> DBD::Oracle (DBD::ODBC may support it in a future release). Therefore it
> should not be used for database
> independent applications.
> Does DBD::ODBC support bind_param_inout ??
> If not, how can you call a stored procedure from perl using ODBC ?
> -Thanks
> Steve More

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