On Thu, Oct 13, 2005 at 09:32:33AM +0100, Tim Bunce wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 13, 2005 at 01:15:21AM -0400, Eric Lenio wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > In perl 5.8.3, DBD::Oracle 1.14, DBI 1.47 I get expected values when I look 
> > at
> > $sth->{PRECISION} to retrieve the lengths of varchar2 columns for a given
> > table.
> > 
> > I'm now testing perl 5.8.7, DBD::Oracle 1.16, and DBI 1.48 and with the same
> > table the values in $sth->{PRECISION} for varchar2's are all quadruple what
> > they are above.  Can anyone shed any light on what might cause this?  It 
> > seems
> > to affect all tables.
> Probably due to character set related changes in recent releases.
> The best thing to do would be to add some tests to one of the test files
> (t/*.t) that demonstrates the problem. Pick a file to change (ie 
> t/20select.t),
> copy it (t/20select.t.orig), add the new test, check it fails (make test),
> then post the output of "diff -u t/20select.t.orig t/20select.t".
> Please also post the two lines of client and server character set
> details output by make test.
> Tim.

Diff file is attached.  Basically I added a test to check the PRECISION
of the 2nd column in the test table, which I believe is supposed to be

With this new test I get this during 'make test':

t/20select..............# failed test 12 at line 109. 
# failed test 24 at line 109. 
# failed test 36 at line 109. 
FAILED tests 12, 24, 36-38
        Failed 5/35 tests, 85.71% okay
t/21nchar............... Database and client versions and character sets:
Database CHAR set is AL32UTF8 (Unicode), NCHAR set is UTF8 (Unicode)

FYI I have another Oracle instance on the same machine which if I use this
instance instead of the original one used above the tests all pass.
--- t/20select.t.orig   Thu Oct 13 09:32:29 2005
+++ t/20select.t        Thu Oct 13 09:55:25 2005
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
 my $sz = 8;
 my $tests = 2;
-my $tests_per_set = 11;
+my $tests_per_set = 12;
 $tests += @test_sets * $tests_per_set;
 print "1..$tests\n";
@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@
      cdif($tmp->[1][1], $data1, "Len ".length($tmp->[1][1])) );
   ok(0, $tmp->[2][1] =~ m/$data2/,
      cdif($tmp->[2][1], $data2, "Len ".length($tmp->[2][1])) );
+  ok(0, $sth->{PRECISION}->[1] == 10);
 } # end of run_select_tests

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