Hi All,

My application is a hotel reservation system and I am facing a very critical error here. My application intermittently get the following errors:

- Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (99)
- Lost connection to MySQL server during query
- DBD::mysql::st execute failed: MySQL server has gone away

And I get errors, most of them are caused by MySQL based Apache::Session losing data. These errors have caused invalid reservations or the application forcing the users to repeat the whole booking process.

The errors don't occur very often, but when they happen in the critical part of the booking process, it caused bad things to happen.

I suspected this could be because Apache::DBI connect to the server when apache is started, but I read somewhere that it connects on 'init' stage.

So, how do I debug it? I have no idea of how to debug it, let alone fix it. Could anyone point me to the right direction or help me out here?


Badai Aqrandista
Cheepy (?)

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