This is a pretty difficult to answer question.  How heavy do we expect the
usage to be?  What kind of system will it be running on?

In general, I've found that MySQL has the best GUI applications.  The MySQL
Query Browser makes writing scripts and executing arbitrary SQL statements
on the database a breeze.  I've heard arguments that postgresql is a better
database platform; the claim is that postgres is more functional and runs
faster (I don't know how this changed with MySQL 5).

If your site is going to be real light traffic, then you can use SQLite,
which is file-based.  Writes to the DB require file locking but reads are

Push comes to shove, a well designed program will not have a lot of
dependency on the database.  All of your SQL statements should be aggregated
in a single place, and if you use DBI (and fairly vanilla syntax) then you
can completely change the platform just by changing the DSN.


Josh Danziger
-----Original Message-----
From: John Armstrong [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2005 8:02 PM
Subject: [cgiapp] What's the best "free" DB for a web-based app?

Hi - I'm soon to be doing a Perl app on the Internet, that'll need
database. We want the db to be as "free" as possible, but still fully
multi-user (web-based). Would the best route be MySql on Linux? Random
access files? Something else? We want no licensing obligations (no Oracle,
Sequal Server, etc.). We want to go with Perl because it's the best
programming language invented by humans.

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