Jesse Erlbaum wrote:
Hi John --

The clear choice from these responses is Postgres because of its internal
strength over MySql

I've used both MySQL and PgSQL.  I've also used Oracle, Sybase, DB2, MS
SQL Server, and Informix.  I've also been developing web apps for quite
a long time, so I feel my opinions carry *some* weight.

That being said, my preference is still MySQL.

And, BTW:  Nearly all those advanced, "academically correct" features
which people point to when pimping PgSQL (row-level locking, stored
procs, transactions, triggers, ref. integrity checking, clustering,
etc.) are available for MySQL right now, or are slated to be available
in the next release.  However, PgSQL is still slow, hard to use, and of
questionable reliability.

I would just like to note that speed and reliability are largely dependent on the transaction profile of your application. If your application is read heavy, MySQL is a sound choice. However if your application consists mostly of database writes, PostgreSQL's MVCC [1] architecture and row-level locking capabilities will generally provide superior performance and reliability to MySQL.

Kind Regards,

- Fred

[1] - MVCC means that you don't have to worry about writers blocking readers or readers blocking writers.

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