Hi Tim & Folks,

We've found a interesting problem when inserting multiple rows into a
table containing two CLOB columns.  The second execute() hangs and
Oracle never responds.  The execute() hangs only when the character
sizes of the two strings are larger than 4000 characters each, and even
then not always. Code is below which demonstrates problem.  Any clues as
to whether this is in the DBD layer or in Oracle?


DBI Version:            1.48
DBD::Oracle Version:    1.16
Oracle Version:         Oracle9i Release
Operating System:       Linux
Perl Version:           5.8.7


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

use DBI;

$| = 1;

my $quals   = join ' ', map { $_ } ( 0..1022 );
my $discrep = join ' ', map { $_ } ( 0..1022 );

my $dbh = DBI->connect( 'DBI:Oracle:host=ora9sun;sid=ora9sun;port=1521',
                        'wollaston', '******', { AutoCommit => 0 } );

$dbh->do( "DROP TABLE badins" );
$dbh->do( "CREATE TABLE badins ( q  CLOB, d  CLOB )" );

my $ins = $dbh->prepare( 'INSERT INTO badins ( q, d ) VALUES ( ?, ? )' );
for ( 1..2 )
   print "length: ", (length ($quals) + length ($discrep)), "\n";
   print( "inserting..." );
   $ins->execute( $quals, $discrep );
   print( "done\n" );

$dbh->do( "DROP TABLE badins" );

Joe Slagel
Chief Software Architect
Geospiza Inc

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