On Fri, Dec 09, 2005 at 10:13:19PM -0800, Ed Peschko wrote:
> hey,
> I've been writing a DBD plugin for DBI, and was wondering why the DBI::db 
> object
> that I've been creating doesn't show its contents either via Dumper or via 
> 'x' in 
> the database. 
> Is this a consequence of how DBI is programmed?


> Would it be easy to change to remove this limitation?


> After all, it would be a lot easier to program/debug my driver if I
> could use all of perl's debugging tools..

You can use $h->dump_handle($message, $level).

Umm, I see that's not documented... I'll fix that for the next release.

Meanwhile, try $h->dump_handle("my handle dump", 1);

The dump is sent to the trace filehandle, which defaults to STDERR.
If $level>0 then the dump includes the contents of the attribute cache
(attribute values which have been fetched and the driver has cached
because they don't change, such as $sth->{NAME})


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