On Wed, 2005-12-21 at 11:34 -0500, Rick Frink wrote:
> Hello,
>  I am trying to use freetds (0.63) as the library for DBD::Sybase (1.07) to
> communicate with MS SQL 2000 servers.  After the build, it does not appear
> that DBD::Sybase reconizes the freetds config file
> (/usr/local/freetds/freetds.conf), in particular for defining which
> host+port make up the Server.  I even tried it in the local `pwd`. Most
> importantly, 'make test' fails and will not complete the install.
>   Also, the "connect" method complains about accepting host+port arguments,
> and seems to want a "Server", only.  The manpage says it accepts host+port.

If you read the man page completely you'll notice that the host+port
connect() argument are only supported when using *Sybase* openclient
12.5.1 or later. It is not supported with FreeTDS.

>   I am operating in a HPUX 11.11 environment, and have the DBD::Sybase
> statically linked using the freetds libs.  Without passing the 'make test'
> target, DBD::Sybase does not fully install (complains about not found in
> @INC).  I am using Perl 5.8.7, and DBI-1.48.  The "make test" appears to
> fail because it tries to use a non-existent (standard) Sybase server and
> connect params.

Did you give it a valid server name during the configuration phase of
the build?
Is that server correctly defined in the freetds.conf file?
Is the SYBASE env. variable set correctly to point at the FreeTDS

Michael Peppler  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  http://www.peppler.org/
Sybase DBA/Developer - TeamSybase: http://www.teamsybase.com/
Sybase on Linux FAQ: http://www.peppler.org/FAQ/linux.html

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