On Fri, Jan 06, 2006 at 01:19:11PM -0000, Martin J. Evans wrote:
> This seems to be due to finish in the driver being called twice.  I'm
> not overly familiar with DBD::mysql but commenting out the finish call
> (in dbd_st_fetch) below makes the problem go away:
>     if ((rc= mysql_stmt_fetch(imp_sth->stmt)))
>     {
>       if (rc == 1)
>         do_error(sth, mysql_stmt_errno(imp_sth->stmt),
>                  mysql_stmt_error(imp_sth->stmt));
>       if (rc == 100)
>       {
>         /* Update row_num to affected_rows value */
>         imp_sth->row_num= mysql_stmt_affected_rows(imp_sth->stmt);
>         imp_sth->fetch_done=1;
>       }
>       /* MJE
>       if (!DBIc_COMPAT(imp_sth))
>         dbd_st_finish(sth, imp_sth);
>       */
>       return Nullav;
>     }
> May be the finish is required if rc == 1 but I've not got the time
> right now to look into it. Perhaps someone who knows DBD::mysql better
> might want to take a look (I can supply any other info on versions etc
> if it helps).
> As an aside, what exactly does DBIc_COMPAT do? The DBI::DBD document
> refers to its use with "FOR AN OLD PERL INTERFACE" but the reason
> was not clear to me.

It stems from the days of perl4 db interfaces (oraperl, sybperl etc).
Many drivers, such as DBD::Oracle, shipped with modules that provided
backwards compatibility with the old perl4 APIs (ie Oraperl).

Setting $sth->{Compat} = 1 will make DBIc_COMPAT(imp_sth) true.
So that gives you a pure-perl workaround.


p.s. I've no idea why it's used in DBD::mysql in this way.

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