Ron Savage suggested that the ideal way to handle the "end user vs.
autotester" scenario was to encourage the autotesters to install
DBD::SQLite2 (or perhaps set a valid DBI_DSN) for the testing.'s existant autotest system doesn't seem to have a way to
tell them this beyond an actual dependancy, neither does Even worse (well better from a QA point of view i
guess), won't generate a .ppd for a package with failing
tests; an ActivePerl user can only "ppm install" packages whose tests all

        As a start to solve/workaround this problem, I've sent the following
email to with the hope that there is a real solution in
place (or at least, somebody's had to deal with this before):

----- Forwarded message from Tyler MacDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

From: Tyler MacDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: how to detect that we're running under CPAN::Testers?


        Is there any way to tell if my package is being tested automatically
under CPAN::Testers? Here's the situation:

        I have a DBI extension (DBIx::Transaction) whose unit tests
currently depend on a valid DSN being available. SQLite makes a good testbed
for "mock" databases, so if DBD::SQLite2 is available, my module defaults to
testing against a temporary database using that. Thus, DBIx-Transaction-0.04
depends on DBD::SQLite2 *unless* the DBI_DSN environment variable is set to
a non-SQLite2 driver. If DBI_DSN is set to an empty string, the tests do not
run at all.

        Some people think that in a perfect world, end users should not be
made to install DBD::SQLite2 by default. I'm leaning towards that as well;
less bloat is good.

        However, when these packages are being auto-tested as part of the
perl QA effort (and possibly for packaging for use in ActivePerl on as well), I'd like my Makefile.PL to notice this and
depend on DBD::SQLite2 after all, so that the tests will be run and we have
an assurance that the package works.

        Any thoughts/ideas?


----- End forwarded message -----

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