Apache::DBI overrides disconnect() to be a no-op, and connect_cached()
doesn't.  (But Apache::DBI doesn't do this during startup.)

It would be reasonable for Apache::DBI to provide a way for applications
to call disconnect() and have it actually disconnect.

If you want another hack :-), check out the source of DBIx::HA. I had to go through a number of hoops to get around the Apache::DBI obsession about holding on to the cached handle.

First you need to create a reverse lookup table:
if ($Apache::DBI::VERSION < 0.89) {
die "$prefix Requirement unmet. Apache::DBI must be at version 0.89 or above";
# create a cached lookup table for finding the Apache::DBI cache key index from the dsn
$DBIx::HA::ApacheDBIidx{$_->[0]}  = _getApacheDBIidx(@$_);
Apache::DBI->setPingTimeOut($_->[0], $DATABASE::conf{$dbname}->{'pingtimeout'} || -1);

sub _getApacheDBIidx {
        # generates the ApacheDBI cache idx key from the passed dsn info
        # first generate the same $idx key entry as ApacheDBI does
        my @args   = map { defined $_ ? $_ : "" } @_;
if ($args[0] =~ /^dbi:/i) { $args[0] =~ s/^dbi:[^:]+://io; }; # remove the dbi:driver: piece
        my $idx = join $;, $args[0], $args[1], $args[2];
        if (3 == $#args and ref $args[3] eq "HASH") {
                map { $idx .= "$;$_=$args[3]->{$_}" } sort keys %{$args[3]};
        return $idx;

Then when you want to wipe the cached handle from Apache::DBI:
my $ApacheDBIConnections = Apache::DBI::all_handlers();
delete $$ApacheDBIConnections{$DBIx::HA::ApacheDBIidx{$olddsn}} if ($DBIx::HA::ApacheDBIidx{$olddsn});

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