> my $sth = $dbh->prepare(<<"EndOfSQL");
>   SELECT neue_auktion ( ?, ?::text, ?::text,
>                         ?::timestamp, ?::timestamp,
>                         ?, ?, ? )
> EndOfSQL
> $sth->execute($cookieValue, $ueberschrift, $beschreibung,
>               $system_zeit, "2001-11-11 11:11:11",
>               $startpreis, $startpreis, $kategorie_nummer);
> Ronald
This looks very tricky and cryptic. What does it mean? I mean you should
insert the statement "SELECT neue_auktion ( ?, ?::text, ?::text,
?::timestamp, ?::timestamp, ?, ?, ? )" into any perl-function or what is the
meaning of "<<"EndOfSQL"" ? Never seen this.

Gruss Christian

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