On Fri, 2006-02-24 at 05:56 -0800, Robert wrote:
> Hi list,
>   I have installed Spreadsheet::WriteExcel and Parse::RecDescent without any 
> issues, compilation and installation went went but they are not working.
>   bash-2.05# perl -MSpreadsheet::WriteExcel
> Spreadsheet/WriteExcel.pm did not return a true value.
>   bash-2.05# perl -MParse::RecDescent
> Parse/RecDescent.pm did not return a true value.
> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted.
>   Anyone has same issue?

>   Thanks in advance

     This really is the right list to post such a question.
     Look at this page for all kinds of perl lists,


     ...I would also suggest using www.perlmonks.org , that
     is a good place to get help.

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Scott T. Hildreth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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