Hard to say for sure it could be one of a number of things. First what are
the details on your system version of perl and DBI and DBD:Oracle here are a
few things to check

Some causes could be

1) You have not installed
MakeMaker.pl mod
2) It is installed but you do not have proper RWE permission to use it
3) You may not have C++ installed.

""Ammayappa SELVAKUMAR"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
Dear All,

I was trying to install DBD-Oracle and am getting the following error
while execuritng

perl Makefile.PL

Can't locate ExtUtils/MakeMaker.pm in @INC (@INC contains:

Can anyone help me...


-------- Message d'origine-------- 
Date: mar. 28.02.2006 07:54
Cc: dbi-users@perl.org
Objet: Re: Can't connect to Sybase Rep server

This is a known problem, and has been fixed in either 1.07 or

DBD::Sybase tries to see if chained transactions are supported
at startup,
and tries to find the @@version of the server. Both of these
requests fail
against a replication server, but the failure is expected, so
should simply
be hidden from the user...


[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 27/02/2006 20:39

To:    dbi-users, Michael PEPPLER


Subject:    Can't connect to Sybase Rep server

This simple test program:

use strict;
use warnings;
use DBI;
my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:Sybase:server=REPP', 'REPP_login',
'REPP_passwd', {RaiseError => 1});
my $dummy = 6;

causes this:

Server message number=17001 severity=10 state=0 line=0
text=No SRV_OPTION handler installed.OpenClient message: LAYER =
ORIGIN = (1) SEVERITY = (1) NUMBER = (183)
Server REPP, database
Message String: ct_options(): user api layer: external error: An
was returned from the server while setting the options, check
server message for details.
Server message number=2056 severity=12 state=0 line=0
text=Line 1, character 8: Incorrect syntax with 'select'.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (DEV, uid=8030(persicom) gid=200(develop)

using Perl 5.6.1, DBI 1.48 and DBD::Sybase 1.07.

However, when using Perl 5.6.1, DBI 1.37 and DBD::Sybase 1.00, I
no error message.

What DBI trace flags/envars do I neet to set in order to
diagnose this?

Matthew O. Persico

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