Hi Ron


On 9 Apr 2006 at 12:40, Ron Savage wrote:
> On Sat, 08 Apr 2006 20:39:45 +0800, Allan Dyer wrote:
> Hi Allan
> > I'm sorry if I offended everyone with my previous message - I've
> I can't see why you'd think that :-).


> > got no replies, so I guess I did something wrong. I would still
> I can't see why you'd guess that :-).


> > like to be pointed in a useful direction...
> >
> > I've found that the problem with table_info has been reported three
> > times before in this group:
> Here's how I call table_info(...). I have not used DBD::Proxy.
> This is from a program to dump all table, column, and index info for the 3 
> tested vendors.
> Let me know how it goes.

OK, I tried that and got basically the same result as my test program: if I 
specify a direct connection to mysql, it works OK, but if I specify a proxy 
connection to the same database, it fails (my full listing & sample output 

The error is from mysql, so it appears that what the proxy gives to mysql is 
not the same as what I give to the proxy.

My listing: (added statements to set variables & connect to the database)
# Testing problem with table_info

use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use DBI;

#my $dbn= 'DBI:Proxy:hostname=localhost;port=3333;dsn=DBI:mysql:ima';
my $dbn= 'DBI:mysql:ima';
my $charset= 'UTF-8';
my $dbh = DBI->connect( $dbn, 'root', '', 
        { RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 0 } );

my $user= '';
my(%vendor) =
        MYSQL =>
                attributes      => {},
                catalog         => undef,
                column          => '%',
                schema          => undef,
                table           => '%',
                type            => 'table',
        ORACLE =>
                attributes      => {},
                catalog         => undef,
                column          => '%',
                schema          => $user,
                table           => '%',
                type            => 'TABLE',
        PG =>
                attributes      => {noprefix => 1, pg_noprefix => 1},   # Only 
supported for 
$DBD::Pg::VERSION >= 1.31.
                catalog         => undef,                                       
                        # Prior to that, use $dbh -> tables()
                column          => '%',                                         
                        # instead of $dbh -> table_info(...).
                schema          => 'public',
                table           => '%',
                type            => 'table',

my $vendor= 'MYSQL';

my($sth)        = $dbh -> table_info($vendor{$vendor}{'catalog'}, 
$vendor{$vendor}{'schema'}, $vendor{$vendor}{'table'}, 
my($info)       = $sth -> fetchall_arrayref({});

print Dumper( $info);

Output using direct connection: my $dbn= 'DBI:mysql:ima';
$VAR1 = [
            'REMARKS' => undef,
            'TABLE_NAME' => 'BaseKit',
            'TABLE_CAT' => undef,
            'TABLE_SCHEM' => undef,
            'TABLE_TYPE' => 'TABLE'
            'REMARKS' => undef,
            'TABLE_NAME' => 'Manufacturer',
            'TABLE_CAT' => undef,
            'TABLE_SCHEM' => undef,
            'TABLE_TYPE' => 'TABLE'
... etc.
Output using proxy connection:
DBD::Proxy::db table_info failed: Server returned error: Failed to execute 
method CallMethod: Can't call method "execute" without a package or object 
reference at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/i486-linux/DBD/mysql.pm line 262.

Who's maintaining DBD::Proxy? Perhaps I should contact them direct.


> -- 
> Cheers
> Ron Savage, [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 9/04/2006
> http://savage.net.au/index.html
> Let the record show: Microsoft is not an Australian company

 Chief Consultant                | http://www.yuikee.com.hk/
 Yui Kee Computing Ltd.         | +852 28708555

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