
Are there errors in your alert log? The ora-600 is a "generic" message. It's quite possible oracle generated a trace file that may also help.


Oscar Gomez wrote:

i have this error when i made interface program perl with oracle 10g trough
DBD module.
DBD::Oracle::st execute failed: ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments:
[kpofdr-long], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] (DBD ERROR: error possibly near <*>
indicator at char 37 in 'select
               itmpar, texpar
               from useru.<*>par
where ciapar = :p1 and fampar = :p2 ') [for Statement "select
               itmpar, texpar
               from useru.par
where ciapar = ? and fampar = ? " with ParamValues: :p1=0, :p2='py-ley'] at
./1230.pl line 28.

but,if I execute it for the second time it work ok.

thanks --
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