Ok, you're right.  Let's stop now as we are not adding to anyone's
knowledge of DBI or DBD::*.

On 4/14/06, Dr.Ruud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jeffrey Seger schreef:
> > Dr.Ruud:
> >> JupiterHost.Net:
> >>>> Dr.Ruud:
> >>>>> Jeffrey Seger:
> >>>>>> perl -MData::Dumper -e' print Dumper @INC'
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Alternative:
> >>>>>   perl -MData::Dumper -e' print Data::Dumper->Dump([EMAIL PROTECTED],
> >>>>>   [qw(*INC)])'
> >>>
> >>> Oi, why not much cleaner (code and output):
> >>>   perl -MData::Dumper -e' print Dumper [EMAIL PROTECTED], \%INC;'
> >>
> >> ITYM:
> >>   perl -MData::Dumper -e' print Data::Dumper->Dump([EMAIL 
> >>   [qw(*INC *INC)])'
> >
> > I think we can probably end this thread now.  If I hadn't been so
> > tired....it was the middle of the night...I'd have just had him run
> > perl -V to get his @INC arrary.  Cleaner than any of this.
> You are talking about 'cleaner' again, yet you top-post and you don't
> cut signatures and disclaimers (which shouldn't have been included in
> the first place, this is not such a private zone) and other 'old' text
> that you don't react upon.
> Using Data::Dumper is a good tool to know when debugging. There is no
> need to go for the VARn-output.
> --
> Affijn, Ruud
> "Gewoon is een tijger."

The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their
neutrality in times of moral crisis.
    Dante Alighieri (1265 - 1321)

They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security,
deserve neither liberty or security.
Benjamin Franklin

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.
Martin Luther King

Our government can't be bought.  The oil companies will never give it
up at any price.
My opinion

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