> Single quoted strings do not do backslash substitution (except for \\
> and \').  You meant $lsep = "\n";
> > Also, how can I force it so that the output does not have the quotes
> > for every field?
> DBI::neat() won't quote the value if it knows it's a number.
> Unfortunately, I'm not sure how to let it know it's a number in this
> case.  Sorry.

I'm guessing that this is happening when you hit a an empty string that you
are trying to insert into a numeric field.  Convert empty strings in @row
into undef and it should work.

foreach my $i (0..$#row){$row[$i] = undef if $row[$i] eq ''}

The only drawback to this is if you actually want empty strings in your
character fields instead of nulls.

The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their
neutrality in times of moral crisis.
    Dante Alighieri (1265 - 1321)

They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve
neither liberty or security.
Benjamin Franklin

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.
Martin Luther King

Our government can't be bought.  The oil companies will never give it up at
any price.
My opinion

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