Many thanks for the reply and the information Michael - it's been very
It may interest you to know that we've successfully been able to run our
regression tests (which use DBD::Sybase 1.00) without changing anything
EXCEPT following the Sybase SDK 15 documentation and running
"$SYBASE/OCS-15_0/scripts/lnsyblibs create" - which creates soft-links
under $SYBASE/OCS-15_0/lib for backward-compatability (as you quite rightly
pointed out that Sybase have changed their lib names by adding a 'syb'
suffix to each one - eg. is now - the soft-links allow
a preservation reference of '').
By the way, please note that there seems to be a bug in
$SYBASE/OCS-15_0/scripts/lnsyblibs as follows:
BUG in red:
ls libsyb*.s[o|l] |\
awk '{
print "ln -s " $1 " lib" substr($1, 7, length($1) - 6)
}' | sh
FIX in blue:
ls libsyb*.s[ol] |\
awk '{
print "ln -s " $1 " lib" substr($1, 7, length($1) - 6)
}' | sh
Once again, many thanks for your valuable feedback.
25/04/2006 07:07 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: DBD::Sybase question
You can interact with an ASE 15 server with a 12.5.1 client with no
particular problems. There may be some issues with the more esoteric
OpenClient functionality, but as DBD::Sybase doesn't use this it shouldn't
be a problem.
So the short answer is that you can keep your current environment and add
the ASE 15 server to the interfaces file.
Moving forward however you should consider upgrading the client and
DBD::Sybase, so to answer your other questions:
- DBD::Sybase 1.00 will not build with OCS 15 due to changes in the library
names (and maybe other problems as well - I have never tried it).
- A DBD::Sybase binary should only be used at run-time with the same OCS
version that was used to build it (note: EBF changes are OK without a
- To have multiple DBD::Sybase binaries with a single perl installation you
need to set the PERL5_LIB env. variable or use the "use lib" directive in
your scripts to point to the directory that holds the DBD::Sybase binary
that you want to use. It is certainly feasible, but you obviously need to
set something up so that these settings are automatic (i.e. you don't want
to have to edit your scripts to set the correct environment :-)
That being said I only have a 15.0 installation here, and use it to
interface with all sorts of Sybase servers (including an antique 4.9.2
server!) and I have yet to see any problems.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 24/04/2006 10:14
To: dbi-users, sybperl-l
Subject: DBD::Sybase question
We are conducting a proof of concept to upgrade Sybase ASE 12.5.1 and
OpenClient 12.5.1 to Sybase ASE 15.0 and SDK 15.0 on Solaris 2.8. Our
current environment details are as follows:
Perl 5.005 (5.0 patchlevel 5 subversion 3)
Sybase OC 12.5.1
Sybase ASE 12.5.1
DBI 1.37
DBD::Sybase 1.00
We'd like to retain Sybase 12.5.1 and it's perl environment as described
above but create a new environment for Sybase 15.0.0 and have the following
questions (any feedback will be greatly appreciated):
- do we need an entirely separate perl, DBI and DBD installation for the
Sybase 15.0.0 side of things?
- do we need DBD::Sybase 1.07 for Sybase 15.0.0
- is there anyway we can use the same perl installation but point it to
either DBD::Sybase 1.00 or DBD::Sybase 1.07
Thanks & Regards,
Minesh Thaker
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