On 13-Jun-2006 Ron Savage wrote:
> On Mon, 12 Jun 2006 15:24:55 +0100 (BST), Martin J. Evans wrote:
> Hi Martin
>>> This seems to fall into the category of the first quote from the
> I saw the original post, and expected someone else to answer.
> I don't agree that it falls in the first category. I strongly suspect you'll 
> have to amend all (sic) your code, to call 'finish' /unless the 'fetch'
> exhausts 
> the returning data/. I think you're reading the docs based on wishful
> thinking 
> and not on what they really mean.

Ok, so we disagree and my reasons are fairly straight forward.

1. The DBI docs clearly say:

"If execute() is called on a statement handle that's still active
($sth->{Active} is true) then it should effectively call finish() to tidy up
the previous execution results before starting this new execution."

2. The code I have works with DBD::ODBC, DBD::mysql and DBD::oracle

3. When I look at DBD::ODBC the first thing dbd_st_execute() does is call
   SQLFreeStmt(stmt, SQL_CLOSE) if the statement is active.

4. When I look at DBD::mysql the first thing it does is call 
   mysql_stmt_free_result if the statement is active.

As DB2 is CLI is ODBC:

I think DBD::DB2 could be fixed with something like:

   if (DBIc_ACTIVE(imp_sth)) {

      ret = SQLFreeStmt(imp_sth->phstmt, SQL_CLOSE);
      ret = check_error( sth, ret, "SQLFreeStmt failed" );

at the start of dbd_st_execute which is effectively just calling dbd_st_finish
at the start of execute and this is probably the best solution.

When I add the dbd_st_finish call it works and I cannot as yet see any side
effects other than making DBD::DB2 do what the DBI docs say.

Martin J. Evans
Easysoft Ltd, UK

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