On 26-Jul-2006 mark wrote:
> I know nothing about MySQL, but I benchmarked prepare vs prepare_cached
> in Oracle many moons ago, and saw no great difference, which is actually
> what I expected.  In theory, the main savings is avoiding the repeated
> cost of the database parsing and prepping the statement, but Oracle
> does its own internal statement caching, so its mostly moot.  There
> might be corner cases where prepare_cached buys you something in
> Oracle, but I think by and large it doesn't.  For example, it does
> save a network round trip presumably, so perhaps over a slow link
> or something like that...
> Mark


Thanks for that. It is nice to at least know that other people have had the
same experience. When running my script to Oracle (over a fast oracle
connection) and doing 74 unique inserts/updates/selects and 26187 calls to
prepare_cached I get no decernable speed up using prepare_cached, execute,
fetch* compared with select*. As you say, with other databases and slower
networks it may make a bigger difference.

Martin J. Evans
Easysoft Ltd, UK

> Tim Bunce wrote:
>> Use DBI::Profile to see where the time is being spent.
>> Tim.
>> On Tue, Jul 25, 2006 at 06:35:59PM +0100, Martin J. Evans wrote:
>>> I know this is one of those how long is a piece of string questions but
>>> I cannot see any difference using prepare_cached with a remote mysql or
>>> oracle database. I have code which does inserts/updates/selects - around
>>> 20 - 30 different pieces of SQL and most of them are run between a 100
>>> and 1000 times per file I process. When I process around 10 files it
>>> takes around 4 minutes and this drops about 5s when using prepare_cached
>>> (but I thought this was too small so was within the bounds of variance
>>> running the same script multiple times anyway).
>>> Most of the uses are like this:
>>> my $sql = q/select column from table where column2 = ?/;
>>> my $val = selectrow_array($sql, undef, $a_value);
>>> where the select returns one row. I changed this to:
>>> $s = $h->prepare_cached($sql);
>>> $s->execute($a_value);
>>> $val = $s->fetchrow_array;
>>> $s->finish;
>>> There is was specific change to prepare_cached which actually doubles
>>> the time when run to mysql compared with using prepare:
>>> select LAST_INSERT_ID();
>>> Am I doing something wrong or are my expectations wrong. I had thought
>>> using prepare_cached would shave a lot more than 5s in 240s off.
>>> Has anyone got a concrete example of where prepare_cached is
>>> significantly faster? or I am flogging a dead horse?
>>> Martin
>>> -- 
>>> Martin J. Evans
>>> Easysoft Limited
>>> http://www.easysoft.com

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