This is my code. <code> #! C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe -w
use strict; use DBI; use CGI qw(:standard); use CGI::Carp ; use CGI::Carp 'fatalsToBrowser' ; print header; print start_html('IDS'); my $dbh = DBI->connect( 'dbi:Oracle:ilclpdv3', 'rbhute', 'rbhute', { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 0 } ) || die "Database connection not made: $DBI::errstr"; print p('Connected'); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select table_name from user_tables"); $sth->execute(); while (my ($table_name) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { print p("$table_name"); } $sth->finish(); print p('Disconnected'); $dbh->disconnect(); </code> It gives the following output. <output> Connected T_IDS_JOBS T_IDS_APP T_IDS_CLNT_DIV T_IDS_MST_CLNT T_IDS_MST_USR Disconnected <end of output> Whih is correct. However, when I change the query to read any of the tables, it shows just "Connected" and "Disconnected". Any idea of where I'm going wrong? -- Rohit V. Bhute