
I have a properly installed and working DBI/DBD::Oracle on Sun Solaris Unix
box 'A'. While installing this, I had used INSTALLIBDIR option which created
all my lib and DBI.pm and DBD.pm in the directory I mentioned. I have
working perl programs using these DBI/DBD in the programs to connect and do
database stuff.

Now I have to install similar DBI/DBD in another Sun solris unix box 'B'. I
cannot install the modules fresh because /opt/SUNWspro cc is not
available/installed on that box. So I did a tar of whole lib directory in
Unix box 'A' and ftp-ed it to Unix box 'B' and untarrred into a directory.
Here, I have not executed any of commands like make, make install, etc as
there is no c compiler. Now in my perl program in box 'B' when I try to use
DBI it is giving
"Can't locate loadable object for module DBI in @INC (@INC contains: .."

I have proper path included as
BEGIN {unshift(@INC, "/opt/myapp/perlmods")} in my perl program.
/opt/myapp/perlmods directory properly contains DBI.pm with full permissions

Will this kind of copy paste the installation on different unix box - does
not work? Please note both unix boxes are similar in charactersitics. All
permissions in all directories of "B' are 775. So that should not be a

Please let me know your inputs


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