At 6:36 PM -0500 12/24/06, Patrick Galbraith wrote:
Dear users and developers,
I'm pleased to announce the release of DBD::mysql 4.00! This is the long awaited version 4.00 release which is the result of stabilising the former 3.000N_n tree.

That's great to see, and I'll put it to work!

As you'll notice, the version has been changed to conform to best practices for perl versioning from the 3.000N to 4.00. This means future versions would be 4.01, 4.02, etc.

On that note, I have a strong suggestion for before your next releases ...

While version numbers like X.YY were best practice for Perl modules many years ago, the current best practice is X.YYYZZZ, which is forwards-compatible with the more modern X.Y.Z scheme that Perl 5 uses for itself today (5.008007) and since version 5.0, and that is the Perl 6 default for versions of all kinds of entities, and is the recommendation for Perl 5 modules, and is the same as a majority of other programming projects out there, AFAIK.

So while the difference is inconsequential for 4-point-oh, please increment either the 3rd or 6th digits from now on, releasing eg 4.1.0/4.001 or 4.0.1/4.000001 etc from now on.

Now is the *perfect* time for you to move along to that path.

-- Darren Duncan

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